October 1, 2013

Can you believe it's October already? Summer really just flew by us and September seriously seemed like a blur. Probably my two favorite things about right now is pumpkin flavored everything and the fact that Grey's Anatomy is back. My life is like super duper exciting.

Last year Zoya (and a lot of other polish companies) released a gold leaf top coat called Gilty. For some strange reason I slept on it then like every stupid guy in a romantic comedy didn't realize I wanted it until it was too late. I did however recently buy it on ebay for a decent price but when I saw Maria Luisa I decided not to let history repeat itself with Maria Luisa.
Maria Luisa is a yellow gold flake polish in a clear base. It's incredibly dense and can be worn alone with great coverage. It's a little thick but nothing a little thinner couldn't fix. This looks good over just about anything. Above is one coat of Maria Luisa over two coats of Essie Bobbing for Baubles.

I will be giving away a bottle of this polish as a part of my 100 Facebook Likes Giveaway so stay tuned!


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